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The UMary Late Show

Reggie Yarsky

“We want students to think ‘Oh! It’s Thursday! It’s The UMary Late Show!" says Fr. Dominic Bouck. "That provides some unique insight about how to incorporate Catholic life concepts into real life and see how they are lived out by real people! Plus, it’s fun and easy to go to, and entertaining! I’m going to go to that and maybe bring a friend!’”

The UMary Late Show brings together the University of Mary community through a format of entertainment and casual education to learn about what it means to live life as a Christian in the Lumen Vitae Center every Thursday night from 8 p.m. – 9 p.m.

The UMary Late Show is an easy opportunity to cultivate a life of faith that’s easy to enter into,” says Fr. Bouck, “Anybody can go no matter where they are at on their faith journey.”

Previous to the Late Show, the time was filled by a University of Ministry program called Grounds for Belief, which was based on a lecture style format. When Fr. Bouck joined the University of Mary as the University Chaplin and Director of University Ministry last year, he realized that this style was no longer working as well as it once had.

“People weren’t as interested in [Grounds for Belief] as much as they apparently once had been . . . It’s hard for students to sit through another lecture after a full day of classes,” said Fr. Bouck, “I started interviewing guests last year and we found that worked well.”

The UMary Late Show set. Photo credit: Reggie Yarsky

Enter The UMary Late Show! With a great deal of prayer, planning, and research, the format that University of Mary students know and love today was created. “It’s more engaging, consistent, and easier to sit through,” said Fr. Bouck.

Student guest Alyssa Haggenson on The UMary Late Show. Photo credit: Reggie Yarsky

Fr. Bouck and Assistant Director of University Ministry, Ed Konieczka, have worked hard to make the show more interactive and engaging for the students they serve. The show features a live student band each week. It also hosts pre-show guests, usually students, whom Fr. Bouck interviews about various activities and student organization events they are running on campus.

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